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Home Novelty Press Blue Bolt Blue Bolt v2 02
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Volume: #2, Issue: #2 [14]
Published: July 1941, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 68, Editing: David Adams
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Saddle-Stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
Notes: BLUE BOLT, Vol. 2, No. 2, July 1941, published monthly by Novelty Press, Inc., P. O. Box 1198, Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa., editorial offices, 292 Madison Avenue, New York 11, N. Y. The on-sale date is from the publication date recorded in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1941, New Series, Vol. 36, No. 3.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) Round Two!!
Featuring: Dick Cole
Credits: Pencils: Bill Everett (signed) | Inks: Bill Everett (signed)
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Dick Cole Simba Karno

Letters Page (1 page)
Featuring: Ye Editors' Page
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (10 pages) The Clash! --Between Wonder Boys!
Featuring: Dick Cole
Credits: Script: Bob Davis | Pencils: Bob Davis | Inks: Bob Davis
Characters: Simba Karno (villain)

Comic Story (10 pages)
Featuring: Sub-Zero
Synopsis: U. S. Naval Intelligence enlists the aide of Sub-Zero to investigate the disappearance of two radio-controlled torpedoes from the Prentiss Naval Arms Company. They witness the murder of the Torpedo Union's business agent, but soon a member of the union reveals himself to be the killer of Neill and Sub-Zero rounds up the agent and his gang posthaste.
Credits: Pencils: John Daly | Inks: John Daly
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Sub-Zero Captain Ronson (of Naval Intelligence) Bart Neill (business Agent Of The Torpedoe Workers Union, Death) R. V. Prentiss (head Of The Arms Company) Mr. Ketler (villain, Foreign Agent) Ketler's Gamg (villains)

Comic Story (7 pages) The Case of the Zombies and the Crazy Doctor Zorka
Featuring: Sergeant Spook
Credits: Pencils: Malcolm Kildale | Inks: Malcolm Kildale
Characters: Sergeant Spook

Comic Story (3 pages)
Featuring: Edison Bell
Credits: Pencils: Harry Ramsey

Activity (1 page) "Blue Bolt" Gas Midget Racer
Featuring: Edison Bell
Synopsis: Illustrates Edison Bell's invention.
Credits: Script: Ray Gill | Pencils: Ray Gill | Inks: Ray Gill

Text Story (2 pages)
Featuring: The Twister
Synopsis: According to Greek mythology, Odysseus visited Aeolia, seeking out Aeolus to provide favorable winds for his ship. His wish was granted, but Aeolus also gave Odysseus a sealed bag of unfavorable winds and was told not to open it....but he did, and the winds blew his ship back to Aeolia. Aeolus was furious and demanded that Odysseus tracked down and capture the bad winds or reap the consequences...but he never did. Bad winds one day hit a red school house in Windy Gap and a student, Bob Sanders, was taken up in it and given strange powers, which he used as The Twister.
Credits: Script: Ray Gill (signed) | Pencils: Paul Gustavson | Inks: Paul Gustavson | Letters: typeset
Genre: Superhero
Characters: The Twister [Bob Sanders] (origin Retold) Odysseus Aeolus (god Of The Winds) Pete Sanders (Bob's Father)

Comic Story (8 pages)
Featuring: The Twister
Synopsis: Tony is furious as he reads the conclusion to the Twister story in Blue Bolt Comics Volume 2 #1, and decides to do kind deeds so that the Twister will like him. Suddenly the Twister appears and gives the whole gang a lesson they'll never forget and gives fair warning to them for the future. But Tony won't listen and attempts to use his cabs to damage those of his rival cab owner. Twister visits Tony again and gets vital information linking the racketeer to the deeds and turns it over to the Police.
Credits: Script: Ray Gill | Pencils: Paul Gustavson | Inks: Paul Gustavson | Letters: Paul Gustavson
Genre: Superhero
Characters: The Twister [Bob Sanders] Mr. Norton (cab Company Owner, Introduction) Tony The Tornado (villain, Taxi-cab Racketeer) Tony's Gang [Mugsey Rest Unnamed](villains, Introduction For All)

Comic Story (4 pages)
Featuring: Krisko and Jasper
Credits: Script: Jack Warren [as Jack A. Warren] | Pencils: Milt Hammer | Inks: Milt Hammer

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: The White Rider and Super Horse

Comic Story (2 pages) John Hancock
Featuring: Old Cap Hawkins Tales
Credits: Script: Henry Kiefer | Pencils: Henry Kiefer | Inks: Henry Kiefer

Comic Story (5 pages)
Featuring: The Phantom Sub
Credits: Script: Bill O'Connor | Pencils: Ben Flinton | Inks: Leonard Sansone

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Blue Bolt
Credits: Pencils: Alan Mandel | Inks: Alan Mandel
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Blue Bolt [Fred Parrish]

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