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Home Spark Publications Golden Lad Golden Lad 005 (paper+fiche)_JVJon
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Spark's Golden Lad #5 -C2C replacing the woefully incomplete and small scan we had. Unfortunately JVJ's copy was missing its centerfold which is supplied from a fiche scan by Dell4C

Another book from the JVJ Collection. Scans and edits by Jon
Issue: #5
Published: June 1946, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing: Vera Cerutti (signed); H. L. Gold (managing editor on leave t the Army); Augusta Simon (associate); Albert Jetter (art)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Golden Lad
Credits: Pencils: Mort Meskin (signed) | Inks: Mort Meskin (signed)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Golden Lad [Tommy Preston]

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword (1 page) Table of Contents

Comic Story (11 pages) The Chinese Vase
Featuring: Golden Lad
Credits: Pencils: Mort Meskin (signed) | Inks: Mort Meskin (signed)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Golden Lad [Tommy Preston]

Comic Story (8 pages) The Phoney Policemen
Featuring: Golden Girl
Synopsis: A band of criminals plant a fire bomb inside a doll and return it to Limbel's Department Store, where it explodes, after which they pose as Policemen, rushing into the store hoping a steal some money in the confusion.
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Golden Girl [Peggy Shane](introduction, Origin) Millie Golden Lad [Tommy Preston] Grandpa Preston (cameo, Tommy's Grandfather) Slugsy (villain) Pugsy (villain)

Comic Story (7 pages) The Swindling Stars
Featuring: Sandusky and the Senator
Credits: Pencils: Irv Tirman | Inks: Irv Tirman
Genre: Humor

Comic Story (7 pages) The School for Skulduggery
Featuring: Shaman and Flame
Credits: Pencils: Louis Ravielli (signed) | Inks: Louis Ravielli
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Shaman Flame

Comic Story (6 pages) Enoch Throws His Voice
Featuring: Enoch Sly
Credits: Pencils: Marv Lev | Inks: Marv Lev

Comic Story (1 page) Home Sweet Home
Genre: Humor

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Spark Publications Golden Lad Golden Lad 005 (paper+fiche)_JVJon
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