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Home St. John Publications Approved Comics Approved Comics 02 (Invisible Boy)
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Approved Comics #2 - Invisible Boy
Only appearance. NOT the same boy as in Headline Comics.
Issue: #2
Published: March 1954, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Publishing Format:
Notes: Has American News Corporation (ANC) distributor logo on cover. Indicia: Vol. 1 No. 2 INVISIBLE BOY (Approved Comics) March, 1954. Single copies 10 cents. No subscriptions accepted. Published bi-monthly by St. John Publishing Corp., 545 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. Telephone Murray Hill 7-6623. Entire contents copyrighted 1954 by St. John Publishing Corp. All rights reserved. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions appearing in this magazine and those of any living or dead person or institution is intended and any similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. Printed in the U.S.A.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) Death Stalks The Night...Terror in the Streets
Featuring: Invisible Boy
Synopsis: Invisible Boy kicks a crook in a ghost costume.
Credits: Pencils: Norman Saunders (painting) | Inks: Norman Saunders (painting) | Colours: Norman Saunders (painting)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Invisible Boy

Comic Story (8 pages) The Secret Formula
Featuring: Invisible Boy
Synopsis: Danny Blake gains the power of invisibility from a chemical spill in Professor Williard Crown's laboratory when "Scars" Mason tries to steal the formula for changing other metals into gold. Invisible Boy captures "Scars" Mason.
Credits: Script: Jerry Siegel
Genre: Superhero
Characters: The Invisible Boy [Danny Blake] (origin And First Appearance) Professor Willard Crown Commissioner Blake Martha Blake "Scars" Mason

Comic Story (1 page) The Impossible Can Happen
Synopsis: Five single-panel strange occurrences.
Genre: Fantasy

Comic Story (8 pages) Terror in the Streets
Featuring: Invisible Boy
Synopsis: Invisible Boy foils "Comrade's" plan to ruin Grand City by sabotaging its newspaper and radio station.
Credits: Script: Jerry Siegel
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Invisible Boy [Danny Blake] Commissioner Blake "Comrade" And His Henchmen

Comic Story (1 page) Accidents That Changed the World!
Synopsis: Accidental discoveries of radioactivity, aspirin, vulcanized rubber, the telephone, white paper and wood-pulp paper.
Genre: Non-fiction Math and Science

Comic Story (7 pages) Magic Manners
Featuring: Invisible Boy
Synopsis: Invisible Boy shows up Percy after he steals a date with Margie.
Credits: Script: Jerry Siegel
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Invisible Boy [Danny Blake] Percy Margie

Comic Story (1 page) Abe Lincoln's Star
Synopsis: Strange tale of Lincoln's inauguration.
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: Abraham Lincoln

Comic Story (5 pages) A-Haunting We Will Go
Featuring: Invisible Boy
Synopsis: Invisible Boy captures a gang of counterfeiters, who are using a haunted house as their base of operations.
Credits: Script: Jerry Siegel
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Invisible Boy [Danny Blake] Commissioner Blake Gang Of Counterfeiters

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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