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National Comics 057 (1946-12) (c2c) (HenryPeters-MmmBacon)
New version with the two duplicate pages (first two pages of Quicksilver) removed, for the correct total of sixty. -tronvillain
30-November-2023 4:56 pm
Argh, I hope that originally using a flatbed scanner didn't tear the front cover! At any rate, there are several replacements to choose from at Heritage, and the inside front cover should be an easy repair. For those who care.
Issue: #57 Published: December 1946, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 60, Editing: George Brenner
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Salty is angry that his recently-purchased parrot won't talk. A human-sized talking dog (actually a man in a costume) tells him that not all animals can talk or want to talk.
Script: Bernard Dibble | Pencils: Bernard Dibble | Inks: Bernard Dibble
Roberta and Roger break up, and she starts dating the stuffed-shirt Pynwood. Lassie tries to convince Roberta that Pynwood thinks he's a cat. Pynwood gives up and Roberta gets back together with Roger.
Script: Bernard Dibble | Pencils: Bernard Dibble | Inks: Bernard Dibble