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Home Parents Magazine Institute True Comics True Comics 004 (diff ver)
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A Soothsayr scan, edits by David Miles.
Issue: #4
Published: September 1941, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 68, Editing: David T. Marke; Ralph Ellsworth (Art Editor); Lloyd Jacquet (Art Editor)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: The on-sale date is from the publication date recorded in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1941, New Series, Vol. 36, No. 3.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: True Comics
Characters: General George C. Marshall (December 31, 1880 - October 16, 1959)

Text Article (1 page) Have You Written Us a Letter?
Credits: Script: George J. Hecht
Characters: Elanor Roosevelt (Photo) George Hecht (Photo) Gerard Darrow (Photo) Daniel C. Knowlton (Photo)

Comic Story (11 pages) U.S. Army Chief General George C. Marshall
Synopsis: Life story of General Marshall from his beginnings at Virginia Military Institute to shortly before World War II.
Credits: Pencils: Harry G. Peter
Genre: Biography War
Characters: General George C. Marshall (December 31, 1880 - October 16, 1959) General Johnson Hagood (June 16, 1873 - December 22, 1948) General John J. Pershing (September 13, 1860 - July 15, 1948) President Franklin D. Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 - April 12, 1945)

Comic Story (10 pages) Danger in the Arctic
Synopsis: The story of Joe Crosson, once of the first pilots in Alaska.
Genre: Adventure Non-fiction
Characters: Joe Crosson (1903-1949 Alaskan Hall Of Fame Pilot) Carl Benjamin "Ben" Eielson (1897 - 1929

Comic Story (3 pages) Record Breakers
Synopsis: Details on various sports records.
Characters: Benjamin "Ben" Bangs Eastman (July 19, 1911 – October 6, 2002) Frank Clifford Wykoff (October 29, 1909 – January 1, 1980) James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens (September 12, 1913 – March 31, 1980) Fred Wolcott Helen Herring Stephens (February 3, 1918 – January 17, 1994) Cornelius ("Dutch") Warmerdam (June 22, 1915 – November 13, 2001) Stella Walasiewicz (3 April 1911 – 4 December 1980) Matti Henrikki Järvinen (February 18, 1909 – July 22, 1985) Elroy Robinson Luhaar Sydney Charles Wooderson (30 August 1914 – 21 December 2006) Cornelius Cooper Johnson (August 28, 1913 – February 15, 1946) David Donald Albritton (April 13, 1913 – May 14, 1994) Miklós Szabó (6 December 1908 – 3 December 2000) Richard Atley Donald (August 19, 1910 - October 19, 1992) Miss Lunn Zdenka Koubkova Curtis Hill Glendolene Vinyard Willemijntje "Willy" Den Ouden (January 1st, 1918 – December 6th, 1997) John Rhodes Cobb (December 2, 1899 – September 29, 1952) Johnny Weissmuller (Born As Johann Peter Weißmüller June 2, 1904 – January 20, 1984) Seabiscuit (May 23, 1933—May 17, 1947 Horse) Greyhound (Horse) Fritz Wendel (February 21, 1915–February 9, 1975)

Comic Story (7 pages) Old Glory
Synopsis: The story of the American Flag from the Revolutionary War thru 1940's.
Characters: George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 – April 17, 1790) John Paul Jones (July 6, 1747(1747-07-06) – July 18, 1792) Betsy Ross (January 1, 1752 – January 30, 1836)

Comic Story (2 pages) Sail, Ho! How to Recognize Many Sailing Ships

Text Article (2 pages) My Greatest Adventure
Credits: Script: Linton Wells
Genre: Adventure

Comic Story (3 pages) John Weatherby Blockade Breaker of 1812
Featuring: Unsung Heroes
Synopsis: Lt. Weatherby has a plan to capture a British Clipper ship.
Genre: War
Characters: Lieutenant John Weatherby

Comic Story (4 pages) Heroine of the White House
Synopsis: The story of how Dolly Madison rescued many valuables from the White House before the British arrived and burned it to the ground in the war of 1812.
Genre: Non-fiction War
Characters: Dolley Payne Todd Madison (May 20, 1768 – July 12, 1849) James Madison (March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836)

Comic Story (10 pages) Chinese Hero No. 1 Part II
Synopsis: The story of Chaing Kai-shek from before World War I thru World War II.
Genre: Non-fiction Biography War
Characters: Chiang Kai-shek (31 October 1887 – 5 April 1975) Sun Yat-sen (November 12th 1866 – March 12th 1925) Soong Mei-ling (March 5, 1897 – October 23, 2003) Chang Hsuch-Ling

Comic Story (6 pages) Builder of Canada
Synopsis: The story of Alexander Mackenzie and his expedition that travelled across all of Canada to become the first to reach the Pacific Ocean.
Genre: Adventure Non-fiction
Characters: Alexander Mackenzie (1764 – March 12, 1820) Simon MacTavish

Comic Story (6 pages) Captain John Charles Fremont
Featuring: Frontier Fighters
Synopsis: The story of Captain Fremont and how he forced Mexico to surrender California to America.
Genre: Non-fiction Biography Western-frontier
Characters: Captain John Charles Fremont (1813 - 1890) Kit Carson (December 24, 1809 – May 23, 1868) Lieutenant Gillespie

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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