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Home St. John Publications Approved Comics Approved Comics 03 (Wild Boy)(diff ver)
   We are the best site for downloading FREE public domain Golden Age Comics. All files here have been researched by our staff and users to make sure they are copyright free and in the public domain. To start downloading just register an account and enjoy these great comic books. We do not charge per download and the goal of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.

Filesize: 42.17 MB
Uploader: Don Ensign Collection
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From a coverless book in the Don Ensign collection, scans by Rangerhouse, DaveH edits.

Fills for the missing pages from HA for the fc, a reconstruction of the ifc, and the ibc and bc from Nightmare #11 by Cimmerian32.

25-December-2019 3:45 pm
Username: Yoc
Comment: this is a reprint of Ziff's Wild Boy #11 (2nd issue)

Issue: #3
Published: April 1954, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Publishing Format:
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) The Witch Doctor
Featuring: Wild Boy
Credits: Pencils: Norman Saunders (painting) | Inks: Norman Saunders (painting) | Colours: Norman Saunders (painting)
Genre: Jungle

Advertisement (1 page)
Featuring: Consumers Mart
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (8 pages) The Witch Doctor
Featuring: Wild Boy
Synopsis: Wild Boy and his pal Keeto battle a maddened gorilla to defeat the evil plans of Zabba, the witch doctor.
Credits: Pencils: Paul Hodge | Inks: Paul Hodge
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Wild Boy Zabba (witch Dodtor) Aarg (gorilla Leader) Chief Kambala Lura (chief's Daughter) Keeto (friend)

Comic Story (1 page) Great Volcanoes
Synopsis: Some of the over two thousand volcanic eruptions in recorded history.
Credits: Pencils: Mike Becker ? | Inks: Mike Becker ?
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (6 pages) Star of the Jungle
Featuring: Wild Boy
Synopsis: Wild Boy and a filmcrew are captured by Zarkow and his hostile pygmies.
Credits: Pencils: Paul Hodge | Inks: Paul Hodge
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Wild Boy Keeto (friend) Timba (panther) Kaw (falcon) Fred Cartier (filmmaker) Lola Martin (film Star) The Kamokos (hostile Pygmy Tribe) Zarkow (renegade White Trader)

Text Story (2 pages) Fire When Ready
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Jungle Adventure
Characters: Dave Moss Abu Sidi M'Bongo

Comic Story (6 pages) Jungle Drum
Featuring: Joe Barton
Synopsis: Joe Barton leads a safari in the jungles of Congo.
Credits: Pencils: Irv Novick | Inks: Bernard Sachs
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Joe Barton Mr. Parmalee His Daughter Nan Her Fiance Cecil Hathaway

Comic Story (8 pages) The Return
Featuring: Wild Boy
Synopsis: The chief's nephew, Jogo, returns to the jungle to drive a diamond mine that only brings misery to his people.
Credits: Pencils: Paul Hodge | Inks: Paul Hodge
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Wild Boy Chief Of The Kowi Tribe Jogo (his Nephew) Koller (Jogo's White Friend)

Advertisement (1 page) Buzz Baxter Rides Again
Featuring: Artistic Card Co.
Synopsis: Short comic strip on how to make money by selling cards.

Advertisement (1 page) Terrific Value!
Featuring: Lucky Products
Credits: Letters: typeset

Advertisement (1 page) Get Prizes
Featuring: American Seed Co.
Credits: Letters: typeset

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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