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Home Small Publishers Catechetical Guild Comics Treasure Chest Treasure Chest v13 008
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This Treasure Chest comic was originally sourced from The Catholic University of America Archives. I have cropped, cleaned up and enhanced it using some or all of the following: XnView for Windows (great freeware program), MS Paint and Office 2010. When the Archive pages are of poor quality, which averages about 3-4 pages a comic, I have replaced with pages from my collection, providing I have a copy that will not be damaged due to scanning.
Volume: #13, Issue: #8 [234]
Published: December 19, 1957, Price: [none], Pages: 36, Editing: Joseph G. Schaller (editor); Richard J. Voelkel (associate editor); Victor Keuping (art director); Carl Beachum (copy editor)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S., Later Standard Silver Age U.S., Later Still Standard Modern Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (2 pages)
Credits: Pencils: Lloyd Ostendorf | Inks: Lloyd Ostendorf
Genre: Religious
Characters: Mary Jesus, Joseph

Activity (1 page) Puzzle Page
Credits: Pencils: Bill Berry (signed) | Inks: Bill Berry (signed)

Comic Story (4 pages)
Featuring: You Are Citizens -- Now!
Synopsis: There are a number of Hungarian refugees in the neighborhood this year and the Civics Clubbers would like their Christmas in the USA to be special, so they speak with a number of them to find out what they need and then see to it that their wishes come true.
Credits: Pencils: Bill Martin (signed) | Inks: Bill Martin (signed)
Genre: Drama Advocacy
Characters: Sgt. Brennan

Comic Story (3 pages) The Blister Builder
Featuring: Those Were the Days!
Synopsis: In 1928, a man named "Cash and Carry" Pile sponsored a foot race to promote his new liniment.
Genre: Non-fiction Sports

Comic Story (6 pages) John Carroll, Archbishop of Baltimore
Featuring: God's Frontiersmen
Synopsis: The story of John Carroll, the first Archbishop of Baltimore. He organized the Catholic Church in the United States from 1774-1810. The discipline and practices of the Catholic Church were upheld in the courts of law due to his work and efforts.
Credits: Pencils: Graham Ingels | Inks: Graham Ingels
Genre: Non-fiction Historical Religious
Characters: John Carroll

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Trouble at Twin Trails
Synopsis: Millie injured her ankle when she and Scotty were thrown from the wagon before it crashed down the hill. Jim feels certain that someone from Bull's gang of hoodlums is informed of their plans and wants to find out who it is.
Credits: Pencils: ? [as P. Karch] (signed) | Inks: ? [as P. Karch] (signed)
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Millie Scotty Bull Fuzzy Jim

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Chuck White and His Friends
Synopsis: Sally Jannis lies unconscious with a possible concussion or skull fracture and needs immediate medical assistance. An avalanche has blocked the only road out of town and all telephone and power lines are down at the Skyline Lodge. Mike and Teddy come up with an idea to use car batteries to power Mike's ham radio to call for help.
Credits: Script: Frank Moss [as Max Pine] | Pencils: Frank Borth (signed) | Inks: Frank Borth (signed)
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Chuck White Mrs. Jannis Mr. Jannis Sally Jannis Teddy Jannis Mike Kelly Father Carroll;

Text Article (2 pages)
Featuring: Let's Face It!
Credits: Script: Father Conroy (credited)
Genre: Religious

Comic Story (5 pages) Thaddeus Kosciusko
Featuring: They Helped Us Win Our Freedom
Synopsis: An engineer from Poland, Thaddeus Kosciusko comes to the United States to help fortify positions. His success led to France giving aid to the US.
Genre: Non-fiction Biography History
Characters: Thaddeus Kosciusko General Horatio Gates

Cartoon (1 page)
Featuring: Chest Chuckles
Credits: Script: Milt Hammer | Pencils: Milt Hammer (credited) | Inks: Milt Hammer (credited)
Genre: Humor Children

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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