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Home Fiction House Jungle Comics Jungle Comics 115 (rescan) -upgrade
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Issue: #115
Published: July 1949, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing:
Color: Color Cover; Black And White Interior Dimensions: Early Issues Standard Golden Age U.S.; Later Issues Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-Stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) Treasure Trove in Vulture Sky
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Kaänga Ann Mason

Comic Story (10 pages) Treasure Trove in Vulture Sky
Synopsis: Kaänga and Ann meet a man wearing artificial wings who tells them that they are worship by his bird man people. Ann and the bird man are taken hostage by treasure hunters who demand to be shown the way to the bird people's home. Kaänga, though wounded, follows, and rescues Ann and the bird people. The treasure hunters are taken prisoner.
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Kaänga Ann Mason Emmanuel Dawson Bird Men

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Simba, King of Beasts
Synopsis: Simba prevents Varma killing a lost white child. Varma plots revenge with the aid of the jackals. While the jackals attack Mrs. Simba, Varma makes off with one of Simba's cubs. Simba follows Varma and kills him and then leads the lost child back to her father's safari.
Genre: Animal Jungle
Characters: Simba Townsend Nancy Townsend Varma (cheetah) Mrs. Simba

Comic Story (1 page) The Cat Tribe
Featuring: African Wild Life
Synopsis: Brief natural histories of several African cats.
Credits: Script: ? [as Norman Leslie]
Genre: Non-fiction Nature

Comic Story (7 pages)
Featuring: Captain Terry Thunder
Synopsis: Trader Sanders spurs natives to attack the building of an auxiliary fort to avoid lancer investigation of his illicit trading. Terry and the lancers defeat the natives and force Sanders to admit to his duplicity.
Genre: Adventure Jungle
Characters: Terry Thunder Keeto Lieutenant DuCour Betty Sanders T'goru

Text Story (2 pages) Spoor of the Demon Ape
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Jungle

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Wambi, The Jungle Boy
Synopsis: The Ageelas are driven from their village into Wambi's jungle by the followers of the raider Arungo. Wambi and Tawn persuade Arungo's elephants to rebel against their masters and drive them away from the Angeela village.
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Wambi Tawn Ogg Maggo (macaw) Ageelas (African Tribel) Ahili Arungo Kuka (antelope) Sirdah (tiger)

Comic Story (1 page) From A to Z
Featuring: Animals of the World
Synopsis: Brief natural histories of several species.
Genre: Non-fiction Nature

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Tabu
Synopsis: Otanu seeks to prevent Tongo's ascension to the Membesi throne. He conjures the evil goddess, Shamatar, and promises her a soul in return for her help. Shamatar sends a leopard to attack Tongo during a zebra race, allowing Otanu to win. Tabu sets a trap to discover who is behind the attack on Tongo with a "truth fluid" that all are willing to drink. save Otanu. When Otanu attempts to flee, Shamatars's leopard attacks and kills him and Shamatar takes his soul as her promised pay.
Credits: Script: ? [as Mack]
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Tabu Membesis (African Tribe) Otanu Shamatar Turu Tongo Tigo

Comic Story (1 page) Ancient Africa
Featuring: Jungle Facts
Synopsis: Trivia from the history of Africa.
Credits: Pencils: ? (Iger Shop) | Inks: ? (Iger Shop)
Genre: Non-fiction Jungle

Public Service Announcement (1 page) If Polio Hits Your Area This Year...
Synopsis: Advice on how to avoid contracting polio from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (8 pages)
Synopsis: Gun runners kidnap the Masai princess, N'kota, and frame the Ugandis for the crime in order to incite warfare. Camilla rescues the princess and stops the impending war. She turns the gun runners over to the Masai for trial.
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Camilla Fang Ungandis (African Tribe) Masais (African Tribe) N'kota Basuto Kalembu Hogan Smitty T'gari

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Fiction House Jungle Comics Jungle Comics 115 (rescan) -upgrade
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