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Home Hillman Periodicals Air Fighters Comics Air Fighters Comics v2 07 (diff ver)(all paper)-JVJ
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Air Fighters Comics v2 07 (diff ver)(all paper)-JVJ

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movielover-novus edits

from a book in the JVJ collection
Volume: #2, Issue: #7 [19]
Published: April 1944, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 60, Editing: Ed Cronin
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
Notes: The on-sale date is from the publication date recorded in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1944, New Series, Vol. 39, No. 2.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Airboy
Credits: Pencils: Dan Barry ? | Inks: Dan Barry ?
Genre: Adventure War
Characters: Airboy [David Nelson II] Valkyrie

Comic Story (13 pages) The Death Lights
Featuring: Airboy
Credits: Pencils: Fred Kida | Inks: Fred Kida
Genre: Adventure War
Characters: Airboy [David Nelson II] Valkyrie Airmaidens

Comic Story (10 pages) The Anti-Aircraft Cannon
Featuring: SkyWolf
Credits: Pencils: Dan Barry (signed) | Inks: John Giunta (signed)

Comic Story (3 pages)
Featuring: Skinny McGinty
Credits: Pencils: Tony DiPreta (signed) | Inks: Tony DiPreta (signed)
Genre: Humor Military

Comic Story (10 pages) Benny Boom Boom
Featuring: Iron Ace
Credits: Pencils: Bob Fujitani | Inks: Bob Fujitani

Text Story (2 pages) One Day In Belgium
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (9 pages) Battle in Bavaria
Featuring: Black Angel
Credits: Pencils: Rudy Palais | Inks: Rudy Palais

Public Service Announcement (1 page) The Iron Ace Joins in the Waste Paper Salvage Drive
Featuring: Iron Ace
Credits: Script: Ed Cronin [as E. C.] (credited) | Pencils: Tony DiPreta [as T. DiPreta] (signed) | Inks: Tony DiPreta [as T. DiPreta] (signed)

Comic Story (7 pages) The Talking Condors
Featuring: Flying Dutchman
Credits: Pencils: Bob Fujitani | Inks: Bob Fujitani

Comic Story (1 page) The True Story of "Chips"
Credits: Pencils: Louis Ferstadt ? [as L. F.] (signed) | Inks: Louis Ferstadt ? [as L. F.] (signed)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Hillman Periodicals Air Fighters Comics Air Fighters Comics v2 07 (diff ver)(all paper)-JVJ
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