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Home Hillman Periodicals Romantic Confessions Romantic Confessions v02 003
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Romantic Confessions v02 003 (c2c)

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20-March-2014 2:52 pm
Username: eubiecat
Comment: Bernard Krigstein and Dick Briefer in this one!

Volume: #2, Issue: #3
Published: August-September 1951, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing: Ed Cronin
Color: Full Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Genre: Romance

Comic Story (7 pages) At the Snap of Her Finger
Synopsis: Cora works in the bookshop owned by her cousin Eloise. Eloise warns Cora that author Hunt is dating her so he can use her as a character in his next novel. Cora and Hunt fall in love but she catches him kissing Eloise and decides to leave town. She reads Hunt’s new novel and sees herself in there, favorably portrayed. After tracking him down at a book-signing event, Cora and Hunt are reunited.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Cora Eloise Hunt Maxwell Bill Biggs Mr. Gander

Comic Story (2 pages) Girl of Baltimore
Synopsis: Edgar Allan Poe is admired by his young friend Virginia. When she grows up, they marry and he writes the poem “Annabel Lee” in her honour.
Genre: Biography Historical Romance
Characters: Edgar Allan Poe Virginia

Comic Story (7 pages) My Own Private Dream...
Synopsis: Two pilots, one "by-the-book" and another "a reckless stunt flyer", go head to head to win the affections of Cathy Fulsom, and it doesn't help that she likes Brad over Dick.
Credits: Pencils: Bernie Krigstein [as B. Krigstein] (signed) | Inks: Bernie Krigstein [as B. Krigstein] (signed)
Genre: Romance
Characters: Brad Larsen (engineer) Dick Whitehead (expert Test Pilot) Cathy Folsom Will (SXIII Designer) Marcia (Cathy's Friend)

Comic Story (1 page) A Familiar Face
Genre: Humor

Comic Story (7 pages) Gloria Maltby's Style
Synopsis: Sally is famous society columnist Gloria’s secretary. Gloria convinces Sally to let her sell Sally’s stories with Gloria’s name on them. Sally learns—from Jimmy, who works for the magazine that bought the stories—that Gloria is not giving her the full amount earned for them. Sally decides to submit stories under her own name but is accused of imitating Gloria. Jimmy threatens to quit unless his magazine forces Gloria to confess the truth. Sally and Jimmy embrace.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Sally Shaw Gloria Maltby Jimmy Burke Hilary Boston

Text Story (2 pages) Intermission
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (1 page) The Lovers
Synopsis: Abelard and Heloise fall in love but are separated by her uncle. Their love letters to each other are still famous today.
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Historical Romance
Characters: Peter Abelard Heloise Uncle Fulbert

Comic Story (7 pages) My Wonderful - Yet Forbidden...
Synopsis: Jessica’s sister Eve is selfish, lazy and a liar. When their mother suffers a heart attack, Eve tells Dr. Eric it was Jessica’s fault. However, he soon discovers the truth. Eric and Jessica fall in love, and Eve’s mother tells Eve she’s going to have to pull her own weight around the house from now on.
Characters: Eve Jameson Jessica Jameson Mrs. Jameson Dr. Eric Wakeley

Comic Story (1 page) A Sure Sign
Genre: Humor

Comic Story (3 pages) Father Dear Father
Synopsis: Dinnie's date Bixby accidentally locks her in the trunk of his beat-up car and is mistaken for a kidnapper. Bixby's bad luck continues, since Dinnie's father--who doesn't like Bixby--is a night-court judge.
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Humor
Characters: Dinnie Bixby Casey Judge

Comic Story (9 pages) His Kind of Love
Synopsis: City-slicker insurance salesman Charles arrives in Wyoming and is assigned to sell a policy to rancher Boyd. Charles and Boyd’s daughter Martha fall in love, although ranch foreman Dusty also loves her. When Charles panics and flees from a range fire, he gets a reputation as a coward. Dusty trains Charles—now called "Chuck"—to be an expert cowboy and gives up his claim on Martha.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Charles "Chuck" Larner David Lloyd Dusty Cameron Boyd Dillon Martha Dillon

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