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Home MLJ/Archie Comics Top-Notch Comics Top-Notch Comics 22 (1941)
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Mirrors: [ House ad for 'Archie' and 'Wilbur' - first app of both.
Contains an ad for the first appearance of 'Wilbur' in Zip Comics and a dark haired 'Archie' in Pep Comics.
This ad is the first appearance of both in a comic, weeks before their first appearances.

Issue: #22
Published: December 1941, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 68, Editing: Harry Shorten
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover, Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing
Notes: On sale date from the publication date as submitted to the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, 1941, New Series, Volume 36, Number 3. Class B periodical. Copyright registration number B 534507.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Black Hood; Wizard; Roy
Credits: Pencils: Al Camy | Inks: Al Camy
Characters: Black Hood [Kip Burland] Wizard [Blane Whitney] Roy

Advertisement (1 page)
Credits: Script: ? (ad copy) | Letters: typeset

Comic Story (14 pages) The Stars Drip Blood
Featuring: Black Hood
Credits: Script: Harry Shorten | Pencils: Al Camy | Inks: Al Camy
Characters: Black Hood [Kip Burland] Scorpio Dutch Gordon Strecchi Sgt. McGinty Clancy Barbara Sutton

Comic Story (10 pages)
Featuring: Wizard
Synopsis: The Nazi Bund is forcing German-Americans to join them and contribute large sums of money.
Credits: Script: Harry Shorten | Pencils: Harry Lucey | Inks: Harry Lucey
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Wizard [Blane Whitney] Roy The Super-Boy Nazi Bund Mr. Schultz Heinrich Jane Barlow

Comic Story (4 pages)
Featuring: Fran Frazer
Synopsis: A meeting place for spies and plotters in Iran.
Credits: Script: Harvey Biern
Genre: Spy
Characters: Fran Frazer (photographer) Hal Davis (reporter) Premier Kherman

Comic Story (5 pages)
Featuring: Keith Kornell
Synopsis: A bridge washes out trapping a bus full of kids in a valley, including General Rael's son.
Credits: Script: Harry Shorten | Pencils: Warren King | Inks: Warren King
Characters: Keith Kornell General Rael

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Firefly
Synopsis: Masters and Harlow are partners in a pearl bed. Masters schemes to buy out Linda's share of the pearl bed by making the endeavor unprofitable.
Credits: Script: Harry Shorten | Pencils: Warren King | Inks: Warren King
Characters: Firefly [Harley Hudson] Shark-Man [Lobrow] Mr. Masters Linda Harlow

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: St. Louis Kid
Synopsis: The Kid is to fight against a big gorilla.
Credits: Script: Harry Shorten | Pencils: Bob Montana (signed) | Inks: Bob Montana (signed)
Genre: Sports
Characters: St. Louis Kid [Jim Jennings] Robert Dykes Willis Molloy Vic Gouno

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (1 page) Wilbur in December Zip Comics, Archie in December Pep Comics, They're a Riot!
Featuring: Wilbur; Archie
Credits: Script: Sy Reit ? (promo copy) | Pencils: Sy Reit (signed) | Inks: Sy Reit (signed)
Genre: Humor Teen
Characters: Wilbur Wilkin J. Frank Wilkin Unnamed Police Officer Archie Andrews [Archibald Andrews Chick] Fred Andrews Edna Andrews

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Wings Johnson
Credits: Script: Joe Blair | Pencils: Ed Smalle | Inks: Ed Smalle
Genre: Aviation War
Characters: Wings Johnson Henry Higgins

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Bob Phantom
Synopsis: Bob Phantom saves a man from a falling steel girders. It was meant to kill him by "accident".
Credits: Script: Harry Shorten | Pencils: Warren King | Inks: Warren King
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Bob Phantom [Walt Whitney] Jinx Friday (secretary) Charlie Adams Bugs Stanley (racketeer)

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (1 page)
Featuring: Jackpot Comics #3
Characters: Steel Sterling Clancy Looney Sgt. Boyle Corporal Collins Black Hood [Kip Burland]

Comic Story (5 pages)
Featuring: Kardak
Synopsis: A daughter of one of the richest men in America was given the bounce when she married young Blane.
Credits: Script: Harry Shorten | Pencils: Bob Montana | Inks: Bob Montana
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Kardak Jeff Blane Sally Blane Cyrus Malcolm (millionaire) Ellen Purnell

Advertisement (1 page)
Credits: Script: ? (ad copy) | Letters: ?; typeset
Characters: Red Ryder

Advertisement (1 page)
Credits: Script: ? (ad copy) | Pencils: ?; Fred Harman (signed); ? (photographs) | Inks: ?; Fred Harman (signed); ? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
Characters: Red Ryder Gene Autry (photograph) Sonja Henie (photograph)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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