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Home Fawcett Comics Hopalong Cassidy Hopalong Cassidy 011
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A freddyfly original production!

Issue: #11
Published: September 1947, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing:
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) The Desperate Jeeters
Credits: Pencils: ? (photo) | Inks: ? (photo) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Hopalong Cassidy (photo Of William Boyd)

Advertisement (1 page)
Featuring: Kodak
Credits: Pencils: ? (photo) | Inks: ? (photo) | Letters: typeset

Table Of Contents (1 page) Hopalong Cassidy Starring William Boyd
Characters: Hopalong Cassidy (cameo)

Comic Story (9 pages) The Desperate Jeeters
Synopsis: Hopalong and Mesquite have to deal with two juvenile delinquents who nearly start a war with the Indians.
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Hopalong Cassidy Mesquite Topper (horse) Bud Jeeter Freckles Jeeter

Comic Story (0 pages) Horsing Around
Synopsis: A man at a restaurant thinks he's been served horsemeat.
Genre: Humor

Advertisement (1 page) Sibby Sisti
Featuring: Wheaties
Genre: Sports
Characters: Sibby Sisti

Comic Story (1 page) Time to Leave!
Featuring: Hill Billy
Synopsis: Hill Billy takes offense when a man gives advice on how to feed his pigs.
Genre: Humor
Characters: Hill Billy Elmer

Comic Story (1 page) Pistol Packin' Pattie Nails One Down
Featuring: Pistol Packin' Pattie
Synopsis: Bully Bad Bill brags about being "tough as nails," so Pattie whacks him with a hammer.
Genre: Humor Western-frontier
Characters: Pistol Packin' Pattie Bad Bill

Advertisement (1 page) New Eveready Flashlight Batteries
Credits: Letters: typeset

Comic Story (7 pages) The Lost Bet
Featuring: Hopalong Cassidy
Synopsis: Sure-Bet is running cock fights, where he always wins. Sure-Bet's accomplice captures Hopalong and Mesquite, but they escape and capture the crooked gamblers.
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Hopalong Cassidy Mesquite Topper (horse)

Promo (ad From The Publisher) (0 pages) Don Winslow
Featuring: Comix Cards
Credits: Letters: typeset
Characters: Don Winslow

Comic Story (4 pages) The High-Jumping King
Featuring: Whitey Whiskers and Daniel Boone Jr.
Synopsis: Whitey tells tall tales about jumping horses.
Genre: Humor Western-frontier
Characters: Whitey Whiskers Daniel Boone Jr. Blackwind (horse)

Comics-form Advertising (1 page) Captain Tootsie Saves the Sailplane
Synopsis: A small child accidentally releases the brake on a glider and only Captain Tootsie's strength enables him to grab the tow rope and pull the glider back down.
Characters: Captain Tootsie Rollo Buddy

Comic Story (7 pages) Widow Jones' Birthday Party
Synopsis: Mesquite bakes a cake for Widow Jones' birthday party, but Practical Joker Pate ruins the gift by putting 110 candles on it.
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Hopalong Cassidy Mesquite Widow Jones Practical Joker Pate

Comic Story (0 pages) A Natural Answer
Synopsis: A man gets sent on a fool's errand.
Genre: Humor

Text Story (2 pages) A Bandit for Tubby
Synopsis: The Black Bandit always strikes on days when the wind will blow sand to fill in his tracks. Sheriff Tubby Taylor sets a trap for him when the banker blurts out that the sheriff is holding the bank's gold in his safe.
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Tubby Taylor The Black Bandit Al Greenan

Comic Story (4 pages) The Last Laugh
Featuring: Peewee Pete
Synopsis: Pete sets up practical jokes in a conference room for his club's meeting, but the boss, Mr. Smith, decides to have a meeting with bankers in that room earlier in the afternoon.
Genre: Humor Children
Characters: Peewee Pete Mr. Smith

Comic Story (8 pages) Cavalier of the Plains
Synopsis: A man disguises himself as "The Cavalier of the Plains" get revenge on a man for framing him for robbery 20 years ago in France and having him sent to prison.
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Hopalong Cassidy Mesquite (cameo)

Advertisement (1 page) The Case of the Box Car Bandit
Featuring: The Adventures of Sam Spade; Wildroot Cream-Oil
Synopsis: Sam helps a teen fighting a thug on a freight train.
Characters: Sam Spade Effie

Advertisement (1 page) Snap! Crackle! and Pop! Crown the Camp Canoe Kings
Featuring: Snap! Crackle! and Pop!; Kellogg's Rice Krispies
Synopsis: Snap, Crackle, and Pop help two boys win a canoe race.
Characters: Snap Crackle Pop

Advertisement (1 page) Bear Bike Facts
Featuring: Gillette Bicycle Tires
Characters: The Gillette Bear

Advertisement (1 page) Drama on the Highway!
Featuring: Adventures of "R.C." and Quickie; Royal Crown Cola
Synopsis: R.C. and Quickie use a baseball to foil an attempt to hijack a truck.
Characters: R.C. Quickie William Boyd (as Hopalong Cassidy) (cameo)

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