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Home Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications America's Biggest Comics Book [1944] -196pgs
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America's Biggest Comics Book [1944][Better]-196pg-c2c -BlackTerror138 scans
Issue: #1
Published: [December] 1944, Price: 0.50 USD, Pages: 196, Editing: Ned Pines
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Newsprint Binding: Squarebound Publishing Format: One-Shot
Notes: Indicia says: Copyright, 1944, by Best Syndicated Features. Copyright information could not be found in the Library of Congress online archive for this issue. However, one cover was seen with a written date of October 27th, while another was seen with a stamp date of November 3rd 1944. Therefore, this issue was likely copyrighted in mid to late October 1944. Comics by this publisher with October copyright dates would usually be labeled with a December cover date.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Silver Knight; Barnaby Beep; Zudo; Thunderhoof; Little Oliver; Herman Melville; Jocko and Socko
Credits: Pencils: Alex Schomburg; Al Camy; August Froehlich; Carl Wessler; Sam Singer | Inks: Alex Schomburg; Al Camy; August Froehlich; Carl Wessler; Sam Singer
Characters: Silver Knight Herman Melville Zudo Thunderhoof Stardust Barnaby Beep Little Oliver Jocko Socko

Table Of Contents (1 page) Contents
Credits: Pencils: various | Inks: various | Letters: typeset
Characters: Silver Knight [Briane] Little Otto Ozzie Thunderhoof Li'l Cheesit Looie Lazybones Ace Spotty Rufus Zudo The Grim Reaper Barnaby Beep

Comic Story (13 pages)
Featuring: The Silver Knight
Synopsis: As Briane and Tarna plan to wed, Vorkal sneaks into England to steal the Silver Knight's magic armor and sword.
Credits: Script: Leo Isaacs | Pencils: Ken Battefield | Inks: Everett Kinstler | Colours: Leo Isaacs
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Silver Knight [Briane] Tarna Gareth Vorkal Halmur Gawain Mordru

Comic Story (12 pages) Flares In the Night!
Featuring: Commando Cubs
Synopsis: The Commando Cubs go to Norway to help bombers find a secret Nazi airfield.
Credits: Script: Richard Hughes | Pencils: Bob Oksner | Inks: Bob Oksner | Colours: Richard Hughes
Genre: War
Characters: Commando Cubs [Spud Whizzer Pokey Ace Horace] Nils Anders Arne Jensen Professor Musselbownd

Comic Story (5 pages)
Featuring: Barnaby Beep
Synopsis: Barnaby is invited to join the Harum-Scarum Fraternity.
Credits: Script: Carl Wessler | Pencils: Carl Wessler | Inks: Carl Wessler
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Barnaby Beep (introduction) Jones

Comic Story (10 pages)
Featuring: Zudo
Synopsis: Zudo encounters a hunter who likes shooting animals.
Credits: Pencils: Ken Battefield
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Zudo Lao Sven Larson Haines Mumbo Jolla

Comic Story (13 pages)
Featuring: Thunderhoof
Synopsis: Dick saves the rogue horse Thunderhoof from quicksand.
Credits: Script: Richard Hughes | Pencils: August Froehlich | Inks: August Froehlich | Colours: Richard Hughes
Genre: Animal Western-frontier
Characters: Thunderhoof Stardust Dick Foster Pat Norris Rex Pete Kenton Kelly Red Rover Captain

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Little Oliver
Synopsis: Oliver acts tough because Professor Frawd and his crystal ball tell him to.
Credits: Pencils: Sam Singer | Inks: Sam Singer
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Professor Frawd Little Oliver Marigold Butch Spike

Comic Story (8 pages) Sea-Scribe
Synopsis: The life of Herman Melville and how his real life experiences became part of his books.
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: Herman Melville Mrs. Melville Uncle Matt Emily Captain Digby Mr. Greene Toby Fayaway Dr. Long Ghost Nathaniel Hawthorne

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Funny Bees-Ness
Synopsis: An ant decides to follow a grasshopper's advice on life.
Credits: Pencils: Manuel Perez
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Hoppin' Hal Beezie Bee

Comic Story (4 pages)
Featuring: G. I. Andy
Synopsis: The Colonel orders Andy to walk around camp in a German uniform to see how long it will take the men to react, but two captured Nazis escape at the same time.
Credits: Pencils: Art Gates | Inks: Art Gates
Genre: Humor War
Characters: Andy Hans

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Jocko and Socko
Synopsis: Jocko learns to hypnotize people.
Credits: Pencils: Sam Singer | Inks: Sam Singer
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Jocko Socko One-Round McKluck

Comic Story (10 pages)
Featuring: The Grim Reaper
Synopsis: In this adventure, the Reaper brings a special Nazi zeppelin to England and wants nothing more than to go back to the continent. He says, "The only reward I want is a chance to fight the Nazi beasts again and again ... to spread terror among the foulest terrorists the world has ever known! Tremble, you Nazis! The Grim Reaper is coming back!"
Credits: Pencils: Al Camy | Inks: Al Camy
Genre: Superhero
Characters: The Grim Reaper [William "Bill" Norris] The Nazis (villains) Raoul Anet General Lichtenberg

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Kangarube
Synopsis: A conman crocodile tries to get the best of country kangaroo.
Credits: Pencils: Kay Wright [as K. Wright] (signed) | Inks: Kay Wright [as K. Wright] (signed)
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals

Comic Story (5 pages) Brian Boru
Synopsis: Brian fights to repell the Danes and unite the clans of Ireland.
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: Brian Boru Mathgamhain Leinster Thorvid

Comic Story (15 pages)
Featuring: Commando Cubs
Synopsis: The Commando Cubs come across a German breaking into prison.
Credits: Script: Richard Hughes | Pencils: Bob Oksner | Inks: Bob Oksner | Colours: Richard Hughes
Genre: War
Characters: Commando Cubs [Spud Whizzer Pokey Ace Horace] Professor Musselbownd Schmidt Carl Kurt Tasso

Comic Story (2 pages) He's No Milk Cow-Ard
Featuring: Sappy "Happy" Hyena
Synopsis: Happy tries to milk a cow.
Credits: Pencils: Don Christensen [as Don Arr] | Inks: Don Christensen [as Don Arr]
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Happy Hyena

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Spotty and Silly Civet
Synopsis: Spotty and Silly sell spot remover.
Credits: Pencils: Don Christensen [as Don Arr] | Inks: Don Christensen [as Don Arr]
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Spotty "Silly" Civet

Comic Story (7 pages) Tasman, Pacific Adventurer
Synopsis: The Dutch explorer Tasman finds new lands for the Netherlands.
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: Abel Jansen Tasman Mynheer Van Diemen Matthew

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Looie Lazybones
Synopsis: Clarabelle wishes Looie would take her to dinner and a ham falls out of the sky and hits him on the head.
Credits: Pencils: Art Gates | Inks: Art Gates
Genre: Humor
Characters: Looie Lazybones Clarabella Shrimpy Basher Doolittle Zeke Smoky

Comic Story (1 page) Rattlesnake
Featuring: Ozzie the Seminole
Synopsis: Ozzie thinks he hears a rattlesnake behind him.
Credits: Pencils: Larry Riley | Inks: Larry Riley
Genre: Humor
Characters: Ozzie

Comic Story (15 pages)
Featuring: Commando Cubs
Synopsis: The Cubs hop a plane to Burma.
Credits: Script: Richard Hughes | Pencils: Bob Oksner | Inks: Bob Oksner | Colours: Richard Hughes
Genre: War
Characters: Commando Cubs [Spud Whizzer Pokey Ace Horace] Professor Musselbownd Erich Swenger Otto General Sakawaka General Wingate

Comic Story (3 pages) Bulletin: Orders of the Day!
Featuring: Little Otto
Synopsis: Otto has to drive a jeep.
Credits: Script: Rod Wilkerson [as Wilky] (credited) | Pencils: Rod Wilkerson [as Wilky] (credited) | Inks: Rod Wilkerson [as Wilky] (credited)
Genre: Humor
Characters: Little Otto

Comic Story (12 pages)
Featuring: Thunderhoof
Synopsis: Kenton discovers gold on Apache land and he tries to get the land from them.
Credits: Script: Richard Hughes | Pencils: August Froehlich | Inks: August Froehlich | Colours: Richard Hughes
Genre: Animal Western-frontier
Characters: Thunderhoof Stardust El Diablo Pete Kenton Kelly Running Wolf

Comic Story (8 pages)
Featuring: Pansy Pidgeon
Synopsis: Pansy joins the PACS, Pigeon Air Carrier Service.
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Pansy Pigeon Bessie Busybody Adolf Pigler Hoiman Colonel Barker

Comic Story (4 pages) G. I. Johnston, the Soldier Who Came Back
Synopsis: How Private Johnston earned the distinguished service cross.
Genre: War
Characters: Bill Johnston Curly

Comic Story (1 page) Friendly Boys Social Club
Featuring: Li'l Cheesit
Synopsis: Li'l cheesit tries to enter the Friendly Boys Social Club.
Credits: Script: David Tendlar ? | Pencils: David Tendlar [as Tendlar] (signed) | Inks: David Tendlar [as Tendlar] (signed) | Letters: David Tendlar
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Li'l Cheesit

Comic Story (8 pages)
Featuring: Rufus
Synopsis: A swindler tries to get the better of Rufus.
Credits: Pencils: Ken Hultgren | Inks: Ken Hultgren
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Characters: Rufus Slinky

Public Service Announcement (1 page)
Credits: Pencils: ? (photo) | Inks: ? (photo) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Non-fiction

Advertisement (1 page) Hasten the Day!
Featuring: U.S. Treasury
Credits: Letters: typeset

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications America's Biggest Comics Book [1944] -196pgs
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