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Home Centaur Publishing Amazing Man Comics Amazing Man Comics 008 (paper+3 fiche)-c2c
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Dec 1939
Paper with Pmacks fiche fills(ifc and last 2 Shark pages)
Packed with great artists - Bill Everett, Carl Burgos, Tarpe Mills, John Giunta, Frank Thomas, Lew Glanzman, Martin Filchock!

2-August-2020 10:02 pm
Username: ghmcleod
Comment: Thank You

Issue: #8
Published: December 1939, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 68, Editing:
Color: Color Cover; Color Interior Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U. S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-Stitched Publishing Format: Was On-Going Series
Notes: Data from Jerry Bails index cards and Howard Keltner's Golden Age index. On sale date from the publication date and volume number found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, New Series, Volume 34, 1939, Number 4. Class B periodical. Copyright number B 435648. Comic Corporation of America's address given as 29 Worthington Street, Springfield, Massachusetts. Editorial and executive offices address given as 220 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York. Printed in U.S.A.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Aman the Amazing-Man
Credits: Pencils: Bill Everett [as Everett] (signed) | Inks: Bill Everett [as Everett] (signed)
Genre: Superhero War
Characters: The Amazing Man [John Aman]

Text Article (1 page) Uncle Joe's Christmas Treat: Free Gifts for All!
Credits: Script: ? [as Uncle Joe] | Letters: typeset

Advertisement (0 pages) Special Offers for Boys and Girls
Credits: Script: ? (ad copy) | Pencils: ? (illustrations) | Inks: ? (illustrations) | Letters: typeset

Comic Story (10 pages)
Featuring: Aman the Amazing-Man
Synopsis: Learning about war being declared in Europe, the Amazing Man changes into the Green Mist, heads for the airport, and takes his fighter plane across the Atlantic to fight German planes in France. Involved in a aerial dogfight, Aman is shot down and captured by the Germans, who send him to Concentration Camp 23365AC.
Credits: Script: Bill Everett (signed) | Pencils: Bill Everett (signed) | Inks: Bill Everett (signed)
Genre: Superhero War
Characters: Amazing-Man [John Aman] Pierre (French Soldier) The Nazis (villains, Many Die)

Comic Story (4 pages) The Return of the Cat Man
Featuring: Cat-Man
Synopsis: Disguised as an old lady, Cat-Man will catch Gypsy at his hotel hide out.
Credits: Script: Tarpe Mills ? | Pencils: Tarpe Mills (signed) | Inks: Tarpe Mills (signed) | Letters: Tarpe Mills
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Cat-Man [Barton Stone] Doris Gorman (writer) Joseph Gypsy Greco (wanted Man)

Comic Story (4 pages) Chapter II
Featuring: King of the South Seas
Synopsis: The King's men board and capture a passing steamer in the South Seas.
Credits: Pencils: Harold Hughes (signed) | Inks: Harold Hughes (signed)
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Jeffers (mate) The King (pirate) Butang Doris McAllister William Dites Sir Oliver King Marangi

Comic Story (9 pages)
Featuring: Iron Skull
Synopsis: Magno is organizing the crooks to wipe out Iron Skull.
Credits: Script: Carl Burgos (signed) | Pencils: Carl Burgos (signed) | Inks: Carl Burgos (signed)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Iron Skull Magno (Villain) Steve (guard, Dies) Scarti (gangster, Dies)

Comic Story (7 pages)
Featuring: Magician from Mars
Synopsis: The Magician from Mars saves a man jumping from a bridge and a cowboy at the rodeo.
Credits: Pencils: John Giunta (signed) | Inks: Mike Mirando (signed)
Genre: Science Fiction
Characters: Magician From Mars [Jane Q-X3] Zeke (cowboy)

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Minimidget the Supermidget
Synopsis: The midgets are taken prisoner and brought to The Power on his stronhold at castle Rock.
Credits: Pencils: John Kolb (signed) | Inks: John Kolb (signed)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: Minimidget Mitty The Power (villain) Jose Mike Spud

Text Story (2 pages) Loco Lobo
Synopsis: Even in the deep mesa, the hand can be faster than the eye.
Credits: Script: David C. Cooke | Pencils: ? [as B. T.] (signed) | Inks: ? [as B. T.] (signed) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Western-frontier
Characters: Drake Hanley Sheriff Carey Phelan

Comic Story (7 pages)
Featuring: Chuck Hardy; Land Beneath the Sea
Synopsis: Chuck and his friends are starting on an expedition with Leer as guide, and he is ordered by Princess Istrid to kill them on the way.
Credits: Script: Frank Thomas (signed) | Pencils: Frank Thomas (signed) | Inks: Frank Thomas (signed)
Genre: Science Fiction
Characters: Chuck Hardy Oxan Jerry Peterson King Kustan Princess Istrid Leer Kolo (Istrid's Lizard) Two-headed Reptilis

Comic Story (7 pages) The Football Mystery
Featuring: Mighty Man
Synopsis: Mighty Man plays football against a team of men who have been operated on to obey the will of a mad scientist.
Credits: Script: Martin Filchock; Frank Filchock (story idea suggestion) | Pencils: Martin Filchock (signed) | Inks: Martin Filchock (signed)
Genre: Sports Superhero
Characters: Mighty Man (12 Foot Giant)

Comic Story (8 pages)
Featuring: The Shark
Synopsis: The Shark is an amazing under-sea creature serving justice, has webbed hands and feet, and the son of a mermaid and Neptune.
Credits: Script: Lew Glanzman (signed) | Pencils: Lew Glanzman (signed) | Inks: Lew Glanzman (signed)
Genre: Superhero
Characters: The Shark Kirk (fisherman) Johnny (gang Chauffeur) The Fishermen Gang (gangsters) Phil Davis (fisherman, Dies)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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