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Home Fiction House Jungle Comics Jungle Comics 143 (27 of 36pgs)
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Issue: #143
Published: November 1951, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing:
Color: Color Cover; Black And White Interior Dimensions: Early Issues Standard Golden Age U.S.; Later Issues Standard Silver Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-Stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page) The Moons of Devil Drums
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Kaänga Ann Mason

Comic Story (10 pages) The Moons of Devil Drums
Synopsis: Larsen, a white safari raider, has taken an ape idol and a woman, from a safari. Kaänga frees the woman, and with her, takes the idol back to its rightful place. There, they find the woman's father, left in the pit where Larsen had thrown him. Then, in order to leave, Kaänga must battle the apes of the area. When he defeats their leader, they acknowledge him as their king and he and his party depart freely.
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Kaänga "Tiger" Larsen (death) Mobu Whitey Loratis (African Tribe) Susan Marmo (elephant)

Comic Story (4 pages)
Featuring: Wambi
Synopsis: A herd of elephants invade Wambi's jungle. Tawn attempts to drive them away but is tricked into a pit. After Wambi gets him out of the pit, Tawn resumes his battle with the strange herd's leader and kills him. The strangers leave the jungle.
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Wambi Ogg Tawn One-Tusker (elephant)

Comic Story (5 pages)
Featuring: Capt. Terry Thunder
Synopsis: Terry and Keeto save the life of Tandu, a woman who lives with elephants. Later, Sue Barton, an ivroy hunter posing as a photographer, comes to the jungle and attacks Tandu's herd. The lancers rout Barton's men, while Tandu captures Barton using her elephant friends.
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Terry Thunder Keeto Tandu Sue Barton Songa (elephant) Lubur (elephant)

Text Story (2 pages) Lightning Hits the Big Cage
Featuring: The Big Cage
Credits: Script: Clyde Beatty | Letters: typeset
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (7 pages)
Synopsis: In an annual contest of strength and daring between the Wasutis and the Buhutus, each side captures a crocodile that the other side must fight. This year the Buhutus are cheating, using a robot crocodile loaned to them by a pair of white renegades. Camilla exposes the fraud and the Wasutis kill the Buhutu chief and the white renegades.
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Camilla Ganamo Wasutis (African Tribe) Buhutus (African Tribe) Naykara Kalembu Carson

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Fiction House Jungle Comics Jungle Comics 143 (27 of 36pgs)
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