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Home Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications Thrilling Comics Thrilling Comics 068 (Frazetta)
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Thrilling_Comics_#68 [Oct'48]-52pg-c2c -HPeters

25-December-2006 2:53 am
Username: Bob Stump
Comment: Hoo hah! Don't miss this one! Nice Schomburg pinup girl cover but there's even better inside! The 9-page feature Kathy is drawn by Ralph Mayo -- and inked by Frank Frazetta! But there's even better to come! The 7-page feature Looie Lazybones is all Frazetta! (& check out page 3, carved in tree: "FRITZ LOVES CAROL". I guess this is from before Ellie. <grin>) Princess Pantha by Artie Saaf (later DC romance artist etc.) isn't bad either. Bob
29-December-2006 10:46 pm
Username: Tazirai
Comment: Sweet, Love frazettas artwork, timeless artist.
3-January-2007 8:00 pm
Username: nude0007
Comment: Thrilling68 - Excellent Scan one pp03-12: Princess Pantha "The Girl Who Kept Faith" two pp13-22: Kathy "Shutterbugs" three pp23-28: Looie Lazybones "no title" four pp29-30: Princess Pantha "Patnha and the Golden Idol" five pp31-36: "Too Tough to Live" six p38: Hawaiian Boy" seven pp39-50: ThePhantom Detective "Death Shocks The City"

Issue: #68
Published: October 1948, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 52, Editing: Ned Pines
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Some information in this index contributed by Greg Theakston and Leonard Wolinsky, confirmed from original comic.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Princess Pantha
Credits: Pencils: Alex Schomburg [as Xela] (signed) | Inks: Alex Schomburg [as Xela] (signed)
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Princess Pantha

Comic Story (10 pages) The Girl Who Kept Faith!
Featuring: Princess Pantha
Synopsis: A girl named Alice McGregor arrives in the jungle to find her fiance, but he is being held captive by Senor Pirahna. Princess Pantha saves them both by tricking Senor Piranha into jumping into the water.
Credits: Pencils: Art Saaf [as Artie Saaf] (signed) | Inks: Art Saaf [as Artie Saaf] (signed)
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Princess Pantha Senor Piranha [Jeff Masters] Dane Hunter Alice McGregor

Comic Story (9 pages) Shutterbugs!
Featuring: Kathy
Synopsis: Kathy's dad convinces her to take up photography, but when she takes pictures in daredevil situations, he smashes her camera.
Credits: Script: Arthur Adler | Pencils: Ralph Mayo [as Mayo] (signed); Frank Frazetta ? | Inks: Frank Frazetta [as Frazetta] (signed)
Genre: Humor Teen
Characters: Kathy

Comic Story (7 pages) Everything's Vine!
Featuring: Looie Lazybones
Synopsis: A tomato growing contest between the Tuzzlewit's and the Lazybone's gets out of hand.
Credits: Pencils: Frank Frazetta (signed) | Inks: Frank Frazetta (signed)
Genre: Humor
Characters: Louie Lazybones

Text Story (2 pages) Pantha and the Golden Idol
Featuring: Pantha
Synopsis: Pantha decides to investigate the reasons behind strange white men bringing present of golden statue into the M'Tongo village for trade.
Credits: Script: Charles S. Strong (signed) | Pencils: Art Saaf [as Saaf] (signed) | Inks: Art Saaf [as Saaf] (signed) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Jungle
Characters: Princess Pantha Diane Tala Walter Benson (villain)

Comic Story (6 pages) Too Tough To Live
Featuring: From Your District Attorney's Files [Stories From the D.A. File]
Synopsis: Monk Eastman gets out of jail by becoming a soldier in World War II, then ends up dead when he tries to beat the law after the war.
Genre: Crime
Characters: Monk Eastman

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Thrilling Facts
Synopsis: Short paragraphs about U.S. presidents and their involvement with sports when they were young.
Genre: Non-fiction
Characters: Franklin Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Harry S. Truman Herbert Hoover

Text Story (1 page) Hawaiian Boy
Credits: Script: Oliver Buchanan (signed) | Pencils: George Tuska (illustration) | Inks: George Tuska (illustration) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Adventure
Characters: Duke Kuluai Kit McGrath Carl Schmidt

Comic Story (12 pages) Death Shocks the City!
Featuring: The Phantom Detective
Synopsis: When the DA is murdered by high-voltage over a telephone line, the Phantom goes undercover as Smoke Nolan to find the murderer.
Genre: Detective-mystery
Characters: The Phantom Detective [The Phantom Richard Curtis Van Loan] Frank Havens Johnson (the D.A.) Dan Grogan Smoke Nolan

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications Thrilling Comics Thrilling Comics 068 (Frazetta)
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