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Home Quality Diary Loves Diary Loves 006 -JVJ
   We are the best site for downloading FREE public domain Golden Age Comics. All files here have been researched by our staff and users to make sure they are copyright free and in the public domain. To start downloading just register an account and enjoy these great comic books. We do not charge per download and the goal of the project is to archive these comic books online and make them widely available.

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From the JVJ Collection - scans by Snard
Issue: #6
Published: July 1950, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: June Andrus (associate)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Copyright 1950 by Comic Magazines.
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Genre: Romance
Characters: Virginia Mayo (photo, Warner Bros. Star)

Advertisement (1 page) Play Piano the First Day
Featuring: Dean Ross Piano Studios

Comic Story (9 pages) Rich Man's Darling
Synopsis: Department store sales clerk Peggy is strongly attracted to stock clerk Randy, but she wants to catch a rich husband. She meets store owner Bruce Lord and decides he’s the one, but has to keep her feelings for Randy under control. Randy asks her to cover up his pilfering from the store, Peggy realizes she never cared for him and really loves Bruce. Bruce rescues her from Randy and asks her to marry him.
Credits: Pencils: Little Al ?
Genre: Romance
Characters: Peggy Sears Bruce Lord Randy Harlow Laura Jim

Comic Story (6 pages) The Love I Could Not Accept
Synopsis: Social worker Judy is assigned to help the impoverished Hyler family. She doesn’t understand why handsome grown son Johnny Hyler isn’t contributing. Judy learns Johnny is a popular coach at the local Boys’ Club, where he sends money home but doesn’t want to be chained down like his late father. Judy helps change his mind about his family responsibilities and thinks he has reconciled with his old girlfriend Anne as well, but discovers Johnny loves her.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Judy Perry Johnny Hyler Mrs. Hyler Robert Hyler Susan Hyler Anne Lewis

Comic Story (8 pages) The Triumphant Heart
Synopsis: Company president Thyra hires ragged bum Rod to replace her arrogant vice president Guy. Rod turns out to be a former lawyer who hit the skids after being jilted by Tina. Rod claims he’s now uninterested in romance. Thyra flirts with him and Rod responds, and they both realise they love each other.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Thyra Thorne Rod Wickham Guy Cannon Tina Hayes

Text Story (1 page) Be Indifferent
Credits: Letters: typeset
Genre: Romance
Characters: Mae Morrison Steve Williams Dora Latham Lucy Shannon Aunt Julia

Comic Story (7 pages) Spell of the East
Synopsis: Marcia and Cliff are rival foreign correspondents in the Far East. Marcia gets an exclusive interview with Shah Sahip Sural (of German heritage, adopted by the Shah’s family as a child) and they begin a romance. Cliff warns her that the Shah is using her to send out propaganda. She discovers this is the truth, and that Cliff saved her reputation by holding up the stories. Marcia realizes she loves Cliff.
Genre: Romance
Characters: Marcia Shear Cliff Rogers Ted Harry Shah Sahip Sural Ali

Advertisement (1 page) Free... to Every Woman Who Wants to Be a Model
Featuring: Herald Publishing Company
Credits: Pencils: ? (photos); ? | Inks: ? (photos); ? | Colours: ? (photos); ?

Advertisement (1 page) If You Want to Enjoy That Slim-'Teen Size Feeling
Featuring: Ronnie Sales, Inc.
Credits: Pencils: ? (photos); ? | Inks: ? (photos); ?

Advertisement (1 page) Tip Top Toppers
Featuring: Ro-Bert Fashions
Credits: Pencils: ? (photos) | Inks: ? (photos) | Colours: ? (photos)

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Home Quality Diary Loves Diary Loves 006 -JVJ
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