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Home Small Publishers Catechetical Guild Comics Treasure Chest Treasure Chest v14 005 (Fixed)
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Volume: #14, Issue: #5 [251]
Published: November 6, 1958, Price: 0.10 USD, Pages: 36, Editing: Joseph G. Schaller; Richard J. Voelkel (associate editor); Carl Beacham (copy editor); Victor Keuping (art director); James J. Pflaum (editor-in-chief)
Color: Color Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S., Later Standard Silver Age U.S., Later Still Standard Modern Age U.S. Paper Stock: Glossy Cover; Newsprint Interior Binding: Saddle-stitched Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Notes: Reference data from American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives, Catholic University of America. http://www.aladin0.wrlc.org/gsdl/cgi-bin/library?e=d-01000-00---off-0treasure--00-1--0-10-0---0---0prompt-10---4-------0-1l--11-en-50---20-home---01-3-1-00-0-0-11-0-0utfZz-8-00&a=d&cl=CL6.13&d=HASH3ddc498ba601765eb41fe8
 Comic Contents:
Cover (1 page)
Featuring: Terry Brennan's Do It Yourself!
Credits: Pencils: Fran Matera (signed) | Inks: Fran Matera (signed)
Genre: Sports
Characters: Terry Brennan

Activity (1 page) Roll-A-Marble Game
Synopsis: Cutout marble game with instructions.
Credits: Script: Milt Hammer (signed) | Pencils: Milt Hammer (signed) | Inks: Milt Hammer (signed) | Letters: Milt Hammer ?
Genre: Sports

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Terry Brennan's Do It Yourself!
Synopsis: A look at the fundamentals of defensive football.
Credits: Script: Terry Brennan (credited) | Pencils: Fran Matera (signed) | Inks: Fran Matera (signed)
Genre: Sports

Comic Story (6 pages) St. Stephen Patron of Hungary
Featuring: Piercing the Iron Curtain
Synopsis: The story of St. Stephen of Hungary, who died in 1038. He united the Magyars into one great nation and helped to bring Catholicism to Hungary.
Credits: Script: Catherine Beebe (credited)
Genre: Religious
Characters: Stephen I (King Of Hungary 975?-1038)

Comic Story (3 pages)
Featuring: Patsy Manners
Synopsis: The Martinez family left Puerto Rico and came to the USA. Aunt Eileen suggests that Patsy invite Jose to a party to make him feel at home. On the day of the party, Jose shows up 30 mins. late and the group is upset with him for not letting them know if he was coming, or not. He tells them that in his country, they write "contesta" on invitations when an answer is required. They apologize to him and put on a Puerto Rican record and ask if he can dance. Jose is going to ask Aunt Eileen for advice before school starts next week.
Credits: Pencils: Ozella Welch (credited) | Inks: Ozella Welch (credited)
Genre: Drama
Characters: Aunt Eileen, Patsy Manners Rosita Martinez Jose Martinez

Text Story (3 pages) A Horse Captured Troy
Featuring: Once Upon a Time...
Synopsis: A giant wooden horse is used to take the city of Troy.
Credits: Script: Eric St. Clair (credited) | Letters: typeset
Genre: Historical
Characters: Odysseus

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: Chuck White and His Friends
Synopsis: On the steps of city hall, the mayor thanks Capt. Corning for saving the town from flooding. He, in turn, acknowledges that he didn't save the town. The plan has existed for years and couldn't have been carried out without the help of the town citizens and agencies. In particular, he singles out Mike Kelly. Dutch thinks he and his workers saved the town. Mike tells him that Capt. Corning showed them where and how to build the dike. Dutch just followed Capt. Corning's instructions. Chuck helps Mike to return to school while Maria looks for a Christmas Tree for her family.
Credits: Script: Frank Moss [as Max Pine] (credited) | Pencils: Frank Borth (signed) | Inks: Frank Borth (signed)
Genre: Adventure Teen
Characters: Chuck White Mike Kelly Maria Donly Captain Corning Dutch

Cartoon (1 page)
Featuring: Joke...Page
Credits: Pencils: Frank Huffman (signed) | Inks: Frank Huffman (signed)
Genre: Humor Anthropomorphic-funny Animals

Comic Story (6 pages)
Featuring: The Champ in the Circus!
Synopsis: Gunboat Slade has fallen into the elephant's water trough and is going to beat Blossom the elephant, when Hahti the elephant lifts Gunboat up with his trunk and squeezes the breath out of him. Frumson is the only one who can control Hahti and tells the animal to put him down on the ground. Frumson becomes the new elephant trainer and gets famous from his picture being in the papers. He gets plenty of free help and respect from local boys and girls. Frumson rehearses with Hahti and learns the routine from the elephant, which includes being flipped on a teeter-board, landing on his butt.
Credits: Script: Frank Moss (credited) | Pencils: Frank Borth (credited) | Inks: Frank Borth (credited)
Genre: Adventure Drama Humor
Characters: Frumson Wooters Gunboat Slade Blackie Blossom Hahti

Text Article (1 page) Tongue Trips Around the World
Featuring: Tongue Trips Around the World
Synopsis: How to say "I'll be seeing you" in nine languages.
Genre: Non-fiction

Comic Story (1 page)
Featuring: Pierre
Synopsis: Pierre tries to make his dog Spot eat his dog food, but Spot prefers Pierre's dinner.
Genre: Humor
Characters: Pierre Spot

Text Article (1 page)
Genre: Religious

  The data in the above section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database™ under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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